Welcome back!
Excited to get back into trampolining?
You won’t have long to wait as we’re expecting to return this September!
We hope you’re all as eager as we are to return to Soar Valley and start training for the autumn/winter competition season. Even though there’s been the annual trampolining display (via Zoom) and the ‘Design a Leotard Competition’ to keep you all busy, it’s been a long time since we’ve all bounced on a trampoline so we’re delighted to announce our return!

How we’re staying safe
We understand that safety is a big concern for all our members, so we want to put your minds at ease and outline the measures that will be in place. The aim of our plan is to create a safe, COVID-free environment where gymnasts can enjoy trampolining again with clear procedures to reduce their risk.
All of our measures fit with the guidelines provided by British Gymnastics in their Step Forward Plan. Read more about it here: British Gymnastics COVID Plan.
- Staggered start and end times will limit the chance of gymnasts coming into contact with each other
- Parents and guardians must not enter the building and instead use the drop off points located outside, supervised by a coach
- Hand sanitiser will be provided and used by all gymnasts and staff on arrival, between use of the trampolines, and before leaving the sports hall
- Social distancing of 2m will be maintained throughout each session, e.g. by distancing the trampolines, replacing spotters with crash mats, and queuing to enter the sports hall
- Each gymnast will remain on the same trampoline and warm up mat to reduce the risk of transmission
- Equipment will be thoroughly sanitised before and after each session
- Gymnasts must arrive in full kit to avoid use of changing rooms

A more detailed explanation of these measures will be emailed to you nearer the time of reopening. For now, we hope this brief overview will make you feel more comfortable for your return to Soar Valley TC.
Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss any safety concerns you may have by contacting Annette: aandnlewis@gmail.com / 01664840079.
Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon!